
10 Useful Keyboard Shotcuts for Evernote User

Keyboard shortcuts let you access frequently used features with a keystroke. Use these useful 10 keyboard shortcuts to navigate Evernote quickly, without having to switch back and forth between mouse and keyboard.

For Windows:
  1. To create a new note: Ctrl + N
  2. To create a new tag: Ctrl + T
  3. To clip a section and insert into note: Win + a
  4. To start a new Evernote search: Win + Shift + f
  5. To paste clipboard into Evernote as a new note: Ctrl + Alt + V
  6. To save note: Ctrl + S
  7. To show spelling and grammar: F7
  8. To close a note: Ctrl + W
  9. To quite Evernote: Ctrl + Q
  10. To sync with Evernote.com: F9
For Mac:
  1. To create a new note: Command + N
  2. To create a new tag: Command + T
  3. To change font: Command + T
  4. To merge lists: Command + Shift + M
  5. To switch between shortcuts: Command + [number of Shortcut]
  6. To save note: Command + S
  7. To show spelling and grammar: Command + :
  8. To close a note: Command + W
  9. To quite Evernote: Command + Q
  10. To sync with Evernote.com: Ctrl + Command + S

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