
How to merge Evernote Notes

Merged notes in Evernote come in handy if your research happens over time. Your notes are spread across notebooks, or you clipped multiple parts of a web page and want to bring it together. You can merge notes by following these steps:

  1. Open Evernote and select any two notes you want to merge (Click Command + Click on Mac or Ctrl + Click on PC)
  2. A thumbnail view of the notes with options will appear in the Note Viewer
  3. Select Merge.

  4. You’re done!!

All of the selected notes will be merged into a single note. When merging with Evernote for Windows Desktop and via the Web, the title of the new note will be the same as the first note selected. When merging with Evernote for Mac, the title will be the same as the most recently modified note.

Here is a quick video demonstrating How To Merge Notes In Evernote


4 Ways to Use Evernote For Your Super Easy And Fun Travel.

       Imagine that we are going on journey, we search and collect lots of information – how to go, where to sleep, which places to visit and what to eat – and then we leave those stuff at home when we go out !! That must be a terrible start for your dreaming trip, truly. Evernote will not let this trouble happen as it could help you keep and sync all information you need before and during the trip. Then everything you need for your trip is available wherever you are and whenever you want.

      Simply start by creating a specific 'notebook' for your trip, named with your destination such as 'Japan' or 'England' and putting all your prepared information in it, then syncing with Evernote on your mobile device. Now it’s on your hand, easily carried, and also able to share with your friends who join this trip.
Now let's see 4 tips for Evernote to make your journey super easy and smooth.

1. Make Your Itinerary Easy To Find

After you book a flight ticket, you will receive a confirmation with other necessary information via email. Upon your departure date, that email will be buried in your overwhelmed inbox and you have to struggle to find it. But if you keep your flight itinerary in Evernote, your take off will be well organized. There is one simple step: just forward your confirmation email to your Evernote email, adding some extra information such as airport detail or emergency number, then there is nothing to worry about your itinerary any more.
In case you prefer rewriting or rearranging those information yourself for easier reading, you may create a note 'Flight' in the 'notebook' and put those things in it.

2. Clip Reviews You're Gonna Take

Before taking a trip, most of us seem eager to find reviews about what to do or where to eat in a place we are going to visit. Evernote offers you a 'Web Clipper' to clip those reviews you are interested in or want to share with your friends. Once you find favorite blogs or pages, you use a 'web clipper' to collect them and also, you can put a 'tag' on each to categorize them such as #tokyo #restaurant or #osaka #shopping. So you can simply find what to do when you are in Tokyo and Osaka.

3. Check Your Packing List

Do you feel like you forget something every time you pack for a trip? Checkbox in Evernote are perfectly adapted to be your packing list: draft a template with basically required items and add extra things case by case. When you pack your bag, tick a checkbox of each item you already put in so there’s nothing you forget at home.
Here is a sample for packing list template – you may use it as a guideline.

4. Put Your Sleep In Order

Accommodation is undeniably significant thing for all travelers. The more hotels (or hostels) you book, the more information you need to keep. Try creating a note 'Hotels' and listing your reserved ones with check-in and check-out date and time, address, phone number as well as map. Keep your confirmation emails for hotel booking as reference. Consequently, you will not be confused which bed you lie on each night.
 For more ideas, please see them on my book :) (Easy Evernote : 80 creative ideas for your better life)

Excerpt From: Jonathan Wolf. “Easy Evernote : 80 Creative ideas for your better life (updated for 2014).” book

My first book, Easy Evernote: 80 creative ideas for your better life !

I just released my first book on Amazon! Easy Evernote: 80 creative ideas for your better life

If you are people with a long to-do list, sudden coming new but always run out of memory, this book and Evernote could be your ultimate solution.
"Easy Evernote" is not an Evernote user manual but a guidebook to use this app in practical ways, managing your time and handling your life effectively. Date back to 5 years ago when I started using Evernote, I spent weeks trying to read its manual. Finishing the manual, I was still confused with overwhelming features this app provides – having no idea how to really use them. For years, I learned to use Evernote myself then I finally found that this is the app that could change my life!
This book is composed of my 5 year experience with “Evernote,” revealing brilliant tips gathered from me and my friends as well as miraculous ideas that could make your life unbelievably organized in disorganized world !!

 Read it at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MWA5O3Y 

If you like my book please review it on Amazon and Share via Facebook and Twitter. Thank you :)


5 Creative ways to use Evernote for your Super Easy Everyday Life

Let's see some creative ideas from my book (Easy Evernote: 80 creative ideas for your better life) to use Evernote to make your life super easy and efficient !!

Source: Evernote.com

1. Make Your Shopping List

Our household seems require a non-stop purchase. There are stuff to put in shopping list everyday but at the time we go to the store, that list has already gone. Create your weekly list in Evernote, share it with your partner or roommate, and everyone will be on the same page. You all can add items to the list as you think of them instead of risking forgetting and needing to make a return trip to the market.

Source : Easy Evernote Book

2. Pay Attention To Your Relationship

We are luckily surrounded by many people who care for us. But sometimes we hurt them accidentally, forgetting significant details about them like birthday or favorite dish. When you learn new thing about someone you care, do not let it go with the time but keep it in Evernote: presents your friend wants or even snacks your sister hates. Be a considerate person. This also helps from being stuck as the last minute shopper.

3. Note Gift Ideas For Your Loved Ones

If you’re like me, you’ll come up with a brilliant gift idea for a loved one. But after jotting it down on a sticky note, I promptly lose it less than a week later. Create a notebook, with a new note for each person you love then you will never lose a good gift idea again. Bounce ideas between your family members is possible by sharing notes for your kids with your wife, for your wife with your kids, etc. As a bonus, create a list for yourself of stuff you’d like, share it with your family, and they’ll never run out of ideas for you.

4. Be In Time

Public places like stores, restaurants, doctors, and museums rarely have the same opening hours. So just take a picture of their opening hours, attaching a map and phone number then you could go to the right place at the right time.

5. Create A Cookbook

One of cool feature of Evernote is that you can make the filing system complex or simple. To do a cookbook, just set a few essential tags (breakfast, dinner, vegetarians, freezer-friendly meal, etc) and let the built in search features of Evernote do the rest of the work. It can search images and PDF files for words you search for, you really only need to list those tags which are not already in the recipe itself.
I not only have the magazines full of recipes, but also recipes in binders which are printed from the internet or elsewhere. So I usually look to see if these recipes still exist somewhere online and copy them using Web Clipper. It also makes it easier to add notes or make edits to the recipes after we’ve made them so we can improve on them next time around.

For more ideas, please see them on my book :) (Easy Evernote : 80 creative ideas for your better life)


Evernote Tips : See  Evernote Reminders in a Calendar with Sunrise

Sunrise is my favourite calendar platform. It lets you add events and reminders in plain language, so you don't have to format the date or time properly. Now, Evernote integrates with Sunrise and can be found in the Evernote App Center, available for Android, iPad, iPhone, and the web so that you can see all of your calendars and Evernote reminders in one place.

To create Reminders

Create a Reminder directly from the Sunrise calendar, or within Evernote. With Evernote and Sunrise, you can sync important to-dos both ways.

Add Context

Within the Reminder, add or edit details that relate to the physical location of your meeting. With a single click, you can view the Reminder in Evernote.


10 Useful Keyboard Shotcuts for Evernote User

Keyboard shortcuts let you access frequently used features with a keystroke. Use these useful 10 keyboard shortcuts to navigate Evernote quickly, without having to switch back and forth between mouse and keyboard.

For Windows:
  1. To create a new note: Ctrl + N
  2. To create a new tag: Ctrl + T
  3. To clip a section and insert into note: Win + a
  4. To start a new Evernote search: Win + Shift + f
  5. To paste clipboard into Evernote as a new note: Ctrl + Alt + V
  6. To save note: Ctrl + S
  7. To show spelling and grammar: F7
  8. To close a note: Ctrl + W
  9. To quite Evernote: Ctrl + Q
  10. To sync with Evernote.com: F9
For Mac:
  1. To create a new note: Command + N
  2. To create a new tag: Command + T
  3. To change font: Command + T
  4. To merge lists: Command + Shift + M
  5. To switch between shortcuts: Command + [number of Shortcut]
  6. To save note: Command + S
  7. To show spelling and grammar: Command + :
  8. To close a note: Command + W
  9. To quite Evernote: Command + Q
  10. To sync with Evernote.com: Ctrl + Command + S


Fotopedia is closing, but Evernote offers a free safe place for the images

Last week Fotopedia announced it would be shutting down on August 10, leaving fans of the site wondering where they could take their photos. Luckily, Evernote has announced 3 days before the shut down date that photographers can now sync their Fotopedia account with Evernote.
To import your photos, head to http://www.fotopediatoevernote.com and follow the three steps listed. In doing so, a new “Fotopedia” notebook will be created, complete with an individual note for each photo in your Fotopedia account.